Trustee Articles
Board CultureBringing the Voices of Kids into the BoardroomSchonay Barnett-Jones shares professional and personal experience in advocating for children’s healthBy Aisha SyedaInterviewChildren in the U.S. are experiencing a wide array of serious challenges, from mental health conditions, to poverty…
Board DevelopmentWonder, Wander and Round IntentionallyFour leaders speak to how rounding provides valuable insightBy Todd Linden"Not all those who wander are lost.” — The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring.
QualityExample Experience ScorecardAdapted from “The Board’s Role in Health Care Experience,” by Laura Orr and Katie Owens (Trustee Insights, Dec. 2023).
QualityThe Board’s Role in Health Care ExperienceTrustees have an opportunity to elevate their organization’s outcomes and performanceBy Laura Orr and Katie OwensIt is a pivotal time for our industry to assure the well-being and sustainability of health care organizations.
The AHA triennial survey of health care boards reveals the exponential growth in the number of boards that provide cash compensation to their members.
Cybersecurity Awareness is a Board Responsibility
AHA Cybersecurity expert John Riggi discusses what trustees should know about their organization’s cyberthreat plan
By Nikhil Baviskar
The frequency and severity of cyber-attacks on hospitals continues to mount as…
Health Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
The Importance of Indian Health Care Services
Trustee Tony Davis provides unique perspective on the state of Indian Health Services
By Sue Ellen Wagner
Sue Ellen Wagner, vice president, trustee engagement and strategy at the American Hospital…
You Have the Quality and Safety Report. Now What?
Quality and Safety expert Dr.
Board Culture
Get Active in Preventing Board Chair Burnout
Start with a well-defined role, delegation and limits on expectations
By Jamie Orlikoff
First reported among frontline care givers in the emergency department and ICU, pandemic-related burnout spread to impact nearly everyone in t
New positions are being created in and outside of health care that are dedicated to the care and management of boards. These positions report to the office of the president and often have a dual-reporting relationship to the chief executive and another member of senior management, such as the chief…