Trustee Articles
A board that engages 100% of its membership results in effective governance.
Board Responsibilities
Trustees Focus on Quality to Improve Health Care
Non-profit boards have array of resources to fulfill quality mission
Michael Jellinek and Thomas Glynn
Many hospitals, like academic medical centers and integrated health systems, are relied upon as significa
Transforming Governance
High Impact Governance Challenges Conventions
New thinking can take leadership of boards much further
By Barbara Lorsbach
In the last few decades, hospital and health system boards of trustees have transitioned from fulfilling basic fiduciary responsibilities to…
Board Composition and Selection
How to Navigate Complex, Multitiered Governance
Success comes from defining expectations for various stakeholders
By Linda Summers, Erica M. Osborne and Karma H.
Board Composition & Selection
The New BoardThink: In Search of Cognitive Diversity
Accelerating Board Innovation and Performance via Cognitive Diversity
By Jena Abernathy
Boards are becoming more diverse — both in for-profit and not-for-profit organizations.
Workforce Strategy
Simulations Spur Board to Test Workforce Strategies
Baystate Health taps member creativity and competition to explore challenges, solutions
By Mark A.
The clinical workforce shortage is one of the most pressing problems in health care. Bold actions now are necessary to mitigate the challenge, and boards have a critical role to play in overseeing change. By giving clinicians the support they need to work with purpose and passion, health systems…
Best Practices for Executive Sessions Without CEOs
Supporting healthy board–CEO relationships
By Todd C. Linden
When I was a young and inexperienced CEO, I did not like it when my board went into executive sessions without me.