Board Development

This webinar, hosted by the AHA’s Trustee Services, provides practical recommendations for boards to meet the quality and patient safety requirements as defined by regulatory bodies and accrediting organizations.
Board DevelopmentWonder, Wander and Round IntentionallyFour leaders speak to how rounding provides valuable insightBy Todd Linden"Not all those who wander are lost.” — The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring.
The AHA triennial survey of health care boards reveals the exponential growth in the number of boards that provide cash compensation to their members.
Philanthropy is a high-ROI revenue generator compared with patient care revenue and delivers about a 4:1 return with a mature program.
Physician Engagement A Governance Model to Get Physicians on Board Creating a healthier work environment by Kevin Manemann and Karma H.
In this webinar governance expert Jamie Orlikoff reviews the rationale for board board chair evaluation, and outlines the step by step process for establishing an effective and productive board chair evaluation process.
A good coach focuses on what the board chair wants to accomplish and designs a coaching process based on how the board chair experiences the role; on assessment of individual strengths and weaknesses; and on identifying and addressing blind spots. Each coaching process should be customized to meet…
Making coaching available to an incoming board chair can build the chair's capacity to lead the board effectively.
Looking for tips to create – and keep – the board of your dreams? Wondering if that dream can ever become a reality? Curious to know how you can possibly create the board of your dreams if your board members are appointed or placed on your board rather than elected by current directors?
A successful governance education process requires commitment, collaboration and consensus. This resource serves as an outline of how a board of trustees may design a process that will ensure optimum development of leadership knowledge and effectiveness.