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Trustee Articles
QualityExample Experience ScorecardAdapted from “The Board’s Role in Health Care Experience,” by Laura Orr and Katie Owens (Trustee Insights, Dec. 2023).
Trustee Articles
QualityThe Board’s Role in Health Care ExperienceTrustees have an opportunity to elevate their organization’s outcomes and performanceBy Laura Orr and Katie OwensIt is a pivotal time for our industry to assure the well-being and sustainability of health care organizations.
Trustee Magazine Articles
Health Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Quality Oversight, Health Equity and the Community Board’s Role Four core areas can be leveraged to institute meaningful change By Brad Clarke The imperative for health care providers to strive for health equity for their patient popul
Trustee Articles
Health care boards that take a broader view of “quality” and incorporate measures that reflect this understanding are better able to assess performance in the right areas.
Trustee Articles
Education, preparation and collegiality can empower physician and lay member trustees to make fair and thoroughly vetted decisions.
The four video modules, discussion guide and self-assessment tool illustrate the important role that trustees play in the journey to improve patient care. They serve as a tool for all trustees to use as they work towards the goals of improving quality within their organizations and improving the health of their patients and communities they serve.
Trustee Articles
The legal authority to approve, limit or deny provider credentials and privileges is a fundamental board responsibility. Organizations that centralize and standardize this process are better prepared to meet the field’s many changes and challenges.
On-Demand Educational Webinars
This webinar from governance expert Jamie Orlikoff, explores the hospital board’s crucial responsibility for medical staff credentialing – one of the most difficult governance functions to perform effectively, and one of the most important board responsibilities for patient quality and safety. Become comfortable with the basics of credentialing and how to effectively oversee it to both protect patients and to assure fair, thorough and consistent treatment of physicians. Trustees will acquire a better understanding of the different but related processes involved in appointment and reappointment or physicians to the medical staff, and the delineation of clinical privileges.
Trustee Articles
A diagnostic tool and organization assessment can help boards address barriers to effective quality oversight.
Board Checklists
This diagnostic is designed to help boards and organization leaders identify challenges that may be impeding efforts to improve quality. Developed by Jim Conway, this resource draws on 20 years of personal governance experience as well as learning from the literature and the shared experience of trustees, executives, patients, family members, staff, teachers, and students.
Trustee Articles
Voluntary accreditation is considered to be an important symbol of a hospital’s commitment to high-quality, safe care. Some consumers look for accreditation when choosing a hospital. Many health care professionals believe it is an important indicator of the commitment to quality and safety they are looking for when choosing a place to practice.
Trustee Articles
The number of public quality scorecards for hospitals has increased exponentially in recent years as consumers take more interest in getting the most value for their health care dollar.
Samples Agendas
How well boards govern is influenced by a number of factors, among them, the knowledge and skills board members bring to their work.
A Comparison of External Quality and Safety Scorecards
Discussion Questions & Templates
Scorecards aren’t going away: consumers want help distinguishing one hospital from another, and these reports offer the promise of synthesizing complex information for worried patients.
Trustee Articles
Although scorecards that measure health system performance against established metrics have become an increasingly common and useful tool in the trustee’s governance toolbox, finding concrete, comprehensive ways to measure how well the organization is achieving its strategic goals — and, in turn, determining incentive compensation based on goal achievement — can be a daunting, ephemeral task. Here’s how one health care system has successfully connected all the dots.
Trustee Articles
In the publication, authors Joshi and Horak state that hospital trustees support hospitals’ fundamental missions to improve the health of the community. In a climate of growing concerns about the quality of health care and the amount we pay for it, trustees are called upon to oversee the transformation of the culture of the organization.
Trustee Articles
Hospital and health system boards are being overwhelmed by hundreds of quality indicators from numerous sources. Many are required or linked to payment incentives, but some are part of voluntary improvement programs. Amidst the deluge of numbers, leaders could miss valuable, potentially actionable information.
Trustee Articles
There’s hardly a health care board member, past or present, who hasn’t heard of the age-old governance mantra “no margin, no mission.” For years this simple phrase captured what most trustees came to believe was their primary obligation: to ensure the financial viability of their hospital or health system. Days cash on hand, debt coverage ratio and net operating margin were key measures that defined high or low performance.
Trustee Articles
For effective oversight, boards must engage at three levels: see, own and solve.