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Trustee Magazine Articles
Trustee Magazine Articles
Forward-thinking health care organizations are exploring alternative revenue sources, with many recognizing philanthropy as a pivotal opportunity.
Trustee Articles
Sound policy management can support the board’s risk and compliance oversight responsibilities
Trustee Articles
Executives, trustees and physicians should be the leading advocates of philanthropy.
Trustee Articles
Health care governing board members confront a complex and changing financial landscape in their role as stewards of health care organizations. Hospitals and health systems have faced slim bottom lines for an extended period that have reduced available dollars to invest in organizational advancement and forced many to change strategy, forego acquisition of new technology, delay physical plant improvements, reduce services and streamline staff.
Trustee Articles
In 2003, Princeton HealthCare System initiated a highly participative and comprehensive long-range strategic planning process. Among the participants were trustees, donors, physicians, elected officials, influential community members, and patients and their families, as well as administrators and clinical and service staff members. 
Trustee Articles
This monograph discusses today’s market environment, current capital market perspective and related risks, and then outlines a project management approach and questions that must be addressed to help board members and executives more effectively manage capital project risks while achieving organizational strategies and goals.
Trustee Articles
Almost all hospitals face the issue of not having enough money to accomplish everything they would like to. So how does the board pick among winning ideas when it can’t afford them all? The resources needed to support operations and implement strategic initiatives can far surpass those available.