Trustee Magazine Articles

Governance EffectivenessGovernance and The Three ModesCompetence in fiduciary, strategic and generative governance can boost board effectivenessBy Kara Witalis and Erica OsborneFor community health care boards to effec
Tori Bayless is CEO of Luminis Health based in Annapolis, Md. Tim Adelman is Chief Legal Officer and General Counsel of Luminis Health. In this interview, they explain how the integration of two major health systems resulted in stronger governance.
Fiduciary DutiesTrustee Roles and Responsibilities of Not-for-Profit OrganizationsMaking a distinction between management and trustees is essential to the success of all leadersBy Lee Scheinbart, M.D.
A four-part executive session meeting model can lead to effective governance.
Emerging IssuesArtificial Intelligence and the TrusteeWhat trustees should know about the impact of AI in health careBy Steve M.
Health Equity, Diversity and InclusionCommunity Partnerships for Future SuccessHow boards can build diverse partnerships to advance health equityBy Krista D. Stepney and Duane E.
Board EvaluationAvoiding Groupthink in the BoardroomStriving for excellence in board self-assessmentBy Barbara Lorsbach"The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence; it is to act with yesterday’s logic,” management scholar Peter Drucker wrote in 1980.
Lawrence General Hospital provides high-quality care to some of the state’s most vulnerable patients by making health equity a strategic priority.