Health Equity

Health Equity, Diversity and InclusionBoards Supporting Women’s HealthPrioritizing women’s health for the health care workforceBy Priya BathijaThere are many hospitals and health systems making investments in women’s health for their patients and communities.
Health Equity, Diversity and InclusionCommunity Partnerships for Future SuccessHow boards can build diverse partnerships to advance health equityBy Krista D. Stepney and Duane E.
Lawrence General Hospital provides high-quality care to some of the state’s most vulnerable patients by making health equity a strategic priority.
Trustees are in a unique leadership position for overseeing a health equity strategy for their hospitals and health systems.
Health Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Quality Oversight, Health Equity and the Community Board’s Role Four core areas can be leveraged to institute meaningful change By Brad Clarke The imperative for health care providers to strive for health equity for their…
Health Equity, Diversity and Inclusion The Time is Right to Invest in Women’s Health How Trustees can take focused action on improving the quality of women’s health care By Priya Bathija The World Economic Forum identified the investment in improving women’s health as vital to creating a “…
Health Diversity, Equity and Inclusion The Importance of Indian Health Care Services Trustee Tony Davis provides unique perspective on the state of Indian Health Services By Sue Ellen Wagner Interview Sue Ellen Wagner, vice president, trustee engagement and strategy at the American Hospital…
Health Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Health Equity Crosses All Board Responsibilities Proactive Steps to Take to Ensure Health Equity Remains a Key Focus By Linda Summers COVID-19 exposed truths that were buried below the many competing challenges of the health care industry.
Health Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Digging into data to address maternal health challenges Analytics can guide trustees in identifying deficiencies and prioritizing actions to improve outcomes By Priya Bathija Last place.
Health Equity Boards Must Address Equity Competencies Health leaders’ attention, connection and empathy will help guide difficult conversations By Maria Hernandez, Dora Barilla and Karma H.