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57811 Results Found


Quality of Life Index

The Wisconsin Quality of Life Index is a multidimensional model for measuring patients' quality of life.

Intensive Care Management

The project catalyst noted inconsistencies in providing diagnosis-related, evidence-based interventions to all applicable patients.

A Path to Improving Surgical Outcomes

In December 2008, the hospital spotlighted national Hospital Quality Measures performance and found Surgical Care Improvement Project process measures were not met every time for all patients.

An OB Units Safety Journey to Preventing Perineal Trauma During Childbirth

Perineal trauma during childbirth can lead to significant short- or long-term complications such as perineal pain, urinary and fecal incontinence, and sexual problems.

Antimicrobial Stewardship Initiatives Optimize Vancomycin Dosing and Reduce Nephrotoxicity

Antimicrobial Stewardship Programs direct judicious antimicrobial use to optimize patient outcomes and improve patient safety.

Applying Lean Six Sigma Methodologies Reduces Lead Time for Scheduled Outpatient Procedures

The goal was to reduce the delay in patient care by reducing patient wait times, both from requested to scheduled time and at time of procedure.

Ask Me To Explain Campaign: Improving Communication to Increase Patient Satisfaction in the Pediatric Emergency Department

Parental satisfaction with pediatric emergency department visits has been argued to be best predicted 'by how well physicians and nurses work together, followed by wait time and pain management.' T

Beyond HAPU Prevention: Differentiating Between Moisture-Associated Skin Damage and Pressure Ulcers

The medical center consistently missed internal quality targets, with a mean HAPU rate for 2007-2013 of 5.39 percent, median 5.33 percent.

Breath of Fresh Care: Redefining Processes around Pediatric Asthma Core Measures

The pediatric team at this hospital recognized the need to improve processes surrounding care of the pediatric patient with asthma.

Care Coordination Across the Continuum to Improve Transitions of Care with the Goal of Reducing Readmissions

The hospital started working on Project Re-engineered Discharge (Project RED) in 2011. A patient navigator was hired to focus on Medicare patients with congestive heart failure.