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57811 Results Found


Heart Healthy Bundle

South Nassau Communities Hospital, Oceanside, N.Y., focused on educating patients with chronic condistions to lower health care costs and improve those patients' quality of care.

Collaboration Addresses Community Needs

Lake Placid and Tupper Lake, nursing homes that are part of Adirondack Health, Saranac Lake, N.Y., worked with other care facilities to produce the Blue Line Group.

A Rural Health System Targets Transformation

n 2013, San Luis Valley Regional Medical Center, Conejos County Hospital and five clinics officially became one entity: San Luis Valley Health.

Value and First-hand Experience of Participating in the Fellowship

Sylvia Getman, president and CEO of the Aroostook Medical Center and senior vice president of Eastern Maine Healthcare Systems, was part of the 2013-2014

Scorecard Tracks Leadership Diversity

Scorecards aren't just for baseball and boxing. Health care leaders are using scorecards to track outcomes and improve quality and patient safety—and more.

Resources for Transforming Care - Accountable Care Hospital Involvement with Accountable Care Organizations

At hospitals, health care systems and state, regional and metropolitan hospital associations across the country, executives, clinicians and staff are leading successful initiatives to improve quali

Patient-Centered Care Coordination

Patient engagement is paramount to reducing readmissions and improving quality of life.

Celebrating Community Health

May 31 - June 6, 2015, is Community Health Improvement Week.


The CDC features a new website featuring prevention training, tools and tips for prevention practitioners.

HHS-CVS Collaborate to Educate

The U.S.