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43251 Results Found

Optimizing the Patient Experience in a Digital World May 1

This Leadership Scan episode will explore the opportunities, value and business-line implications for optimizing the patient experience and how to leverage education via digital technologies to engage consumers better throughout their health care journeys.

Knock Out the Noise on Artificial Intelligence May 14

The global state of artificial intelligence (AI) in health care is moving toward systemic reinvention, not just innovation. At the same time, health care finds itself in an unprecedented moment of strain. Enterprises are excited to experiment and transform, but they face serious risk of taking action without discipline or focus on measurable value. Join us as we take a deep dive on these topics with our panel of executive, clinical and administrative leaders who will talk about best practices, challenges and how we can usher in the future of health care together.

The Employee Experience at Duke Health May 8

This webinar will explore how extraordinary times have spurred significant growth and transformation in employee well-being programs. Learn how the Employee Experience Hub at Duke Health has increased collaboration between resource providers, and gain valuable insights and practical strategies for fostering a resilient health care workforce.

American Hospital Association Homepage | Hospitals USA

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Hospitals USA. The American Hospital Association (AHA) is the national organization that represents and serves all types of hospitals, health care networks, and their patients and communities. Nearly 5,000 hospitals, health care systems, networks, other providers of care and 43,000 individual members come together to form the AHA.

Working Together to Advance Health and Build a Better Future

Stand up. Speak out. Be heard. The stakes for the future of health care are too high to do anything less.

Health Care Finance for Nurse Executives

In today's evolving health care environment, when hospitals are struggling to maintain their margins in the face of rising costs, decreased payment and increased expectations for quality care outco

Upcoming Member Meet Ups & Networking Opportunities

SHSMD's Member Meet Ups provide our members with opportunities to connect, discuss, and solve real world problems affecting the health care industry today.