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The Addiction Crisis: A Community's Response Slide Presentation

Members Only Call - describe the evolution and impact of their community partnership.

The Addiction Crisis: A Community's Response

The speakers will share how a Northern Shenandoah Valley community coalesced to develop strategies to effectively respond to the challenge of heroin and opiate abuse in a rural Virginia community.

Taking Responsibility for Transitions at the Top

Succession planning is a high-stakes governance responsibility. The significant costs of protracted CEO searches and failed replacements are well-documented. Yet, data from the for-profit and nonprofit sectors continue to show that many boards aren’t focusing enough attention on succession planning or on getting it right.

Strengthening the Health Care Workforce: Strategies for Now, Near and Far Report

As we chart a new path together, we have developed this new resource – under the guidance of the AHA Board of Trustees’ Task Force on Workforce and with input from many members of the Association – to help hospitals navigate workforce challenges and opportunities, as well as highlight strategies and resources to assist on these pivotal efforts.

Social Determinants of Health Series

The AHA is working to support hospitals and health systems as they address social determinants of health, eliminate health care disparities and provide comprehensive care to every patient in every community—all of which improve community health.

Rural Grants, Tools and Resources

A curated library of tools, funds and other resources from AHA and others available to rural providers.

Role of Hospitals: University Hospitals 2020 Community Benefit Report

University Hospitals (UH) is in a unique position to influence population health and advance economic opportunities for their communities. They have made great strides in contributing to the health and welfare of Northeast Ohioans as well as addressing social determinants of health.

2025 AHA Rural Health Care Leadership Conference

The 2025 AHA Rural Health Care Leadership Conference, February 23-26 in San Antonio, will gather more than 1,000 rural health leaders committed to advancing rural health and providing quality care for patients and communities. The conference will feature top rural practitioners sharing actionable strategies and resources aimed at improving access to care, leveraging unique workforce approaches, implementing digital technologies and prioritizing health equity.

Speaking Opportunities

Education & Events
We will begin the design process this spring and would be pleased to consider your speaking proposal. We are especially interested in presentations that feature rural hospital executives, physicians and trustees as presenters.