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52256 Results Found

Behavioral Health: Advocacy & Regulatory Resources

This section highlights the latest of these efforts and key topics impacted by them, including full implementation of the parity law, modification/elimination of 42CFR-Part 2, expanding funding for opiate use disorder treatment, appropriate quality measures, and more.

Protecting Our Nurses: Leveraging Internal Experts To Prevent Assaults

Learn about how nurse leaders partnered with an interprofessional team of internal experts to reduce assaults on nursing staff through an interprofessional, proactive rounding team.

Behavioral Health Resources: Access & Capacity

The resources in this section offer examples of solutions to many of these challenges as well as ways members are innovating to adapt to the changing landscape of behavioral health care.

Behavioral Health Resources: Awareness & Prevention

The resources in this section help educate and inform hospitals and health systems on the importance and value of reducing stigma, as well as prevention and early intervention initiatives for individuals with behavioral health disorders.

Behavioral Health: Community Partnerships

The resources on this page showcase stories and the steps to achieving successful behavioral health community partnerships and expand access to behavioral health services at the right time, place and level of care.

AHA Patient Safety Initiative

The Patient Safety Initiative is a collaborative, data-driven effort that gives hospitals and health systems a strong voice in the national conversation around health care safety, centering the views of clinicians, and telling the hospital and health system patient safety story.

Behavioral Health

This web page is designed to provide easy access to information and tools that will assist hospitals and health systems in navigating the changing behavioral health care system and understanding national, state and local activities affecting behavioral health.

Internal Inspections Tool for Facilities Staff

Compliance Tools
Determine which requirements can be completed in-house and the possible cost benefits of each.

DEI Benchmark Survey

IFDHE’s biennial DEI Benchmark Survey provides a snapshot of member and non-member hospitals’ attitudes and practices regarding diversity in the workforce; leadership and governance; equity; and inclusive policies and behavior.