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57812 Results Found


Alliance for a Healthier South Carolina -- Case Study Series

The Alliance for a Healthier South Carolina is an unprecedented volunteer collaboration of more than 50 diverse organizations across the state, whose s

Quality Care for All

Working toward the Triple Aim of better care, better health and lower cost means achieving the goal for all patients.

Eliminating Harm, Improving Care

The AHA/HRET HEN project ended in December 2014, but quality improvement work continues at hospitals: Multidisciplinary teams work to advance improvement efforts to reach their quality and patient

Culture of Health

Building a culture of health means ensuring all people have the opportunity to live productive, healthier lives. Hospitals and health care systems have an important role in this work.

Collaborating with Communities to Redefine the Hospital

This article from Hospitals & Health Networks, the journal of the American Hospital Association, details the report from the 2014 committee on research.

Safety-First Culture and More

The only acceptable number of avoidable patient harms is zero. At Ponca City (Okla.) Medical Center, all hospital staff are working to achieve 100% of patient safety goals.

Hospital Approaches to Violence Prevention

For more information, contact Ruth Adeola, program coordinator, violence and injury prevention, at

Focus on Care Coordination

Delivering the right care, at the right time, in the right place. That focus is the strategy for preventing readmissions at Twin County Regional Healthcare in Galax, Va.

Baldrige: Your Hospital's Journey to Excellence

The country's highest presidential honor for performance excellence through innovation, improvement and visionary leadership, the Baldrige Award recognizes businesses, education and health care org

Actionable Resources for Equitable Care

April is National Minority Health Month.