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57808 Results Found


Saving Lives through Coordinated Care

Hypertension—the silent killer—impacts more than one in three Americans and is a leading cause of strokes, heart attacks and other serious illnesses.

Foley Catheter Removal Protocol Implementation Reduces CAUTI Rates in a Tertiary Medical Center

The goal of this project was to decrease the utilization rates of indwelling urinary catheters and ultimately decrease rates of catheter-associated urinary tract infections.

Waking Up to Safety: Nurse Work Hours and Patient Safety

The link between excessive work hours and adverse errors is inseparable.

Hypoglycemia Resolution Improvement with Lean Six Sigma Techniques and Nursing Team Collaboration

Hypoglycemia can cause considerable harm to patients including the potential for falls, seizures, coma, and contributes to increased mortality and length of stay.

Implementation of a Robust Process to Gather an Accurate Home Medication List for Admitted Patients

An accurate home medication list serves as the 'source of truth' for the entire process of medication reconciliation.

Implementation of Diagnosis-specific Discharge Instructions to Reduce Global Office Visits

The goal of this project was to reduce the amount of global office visits by using Lean Six Sigma methodologies. Process defects were identified in patient education discharge instructions.

Implementing a Comprehensive Fall Prevention Program

Falls prevention continues to be a focus on all patient units and is a priority for safe care throughout the organization.

Implementing a Patient Blood Management Program

Blood transfusions to treat anemia can have a significant impact on patient outcomes.

Implementing Change to Reduce Readmissions: A Team Approach

The project catalyst noted inconsistencies in providing diagnosis-related, evidence-based interventions to all applicable patients. This resulted in varied patient outcomes.

Improvement in Early Identification and Diagnosis of C.diff

The C. diff collaborative is an ongoing initiative that was developed to improve the early identification and treatment of patients during acute inpatient hospitalization.