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58249 Results Found

Study finds HAC penalties not associated with fewer readmissions

A study published in the British Medical Journal did not find a clear pattern of clinical Improvement following the implementation of the U.S

AHA, Other Associations to Senate Finance Committee on Markup of Drug Pricing Bill

The AHA, AAMC and FAH agree with the Committee’s goal of reducing the price of drugs, and applaud many of the steps outlined in the description of the Chairman’s Mark of the Prescription Drug

Massachusetts bill aims to increase penalty for attacking health care workers

The stabbing of an emergency medical technician in Boston this month drew

Nurses share lessons for preventing drug diversion

Nurse anesthetist Rodrigo Garcia, MSN, CRNA, started diverting pain medications from a hospital waste receptable when the opioids he received following ankle surgery ran out.

AHA offers resources on maternal health

As part of its commitment to eliminating maternal mortality and reducing severe morbidity, the American Hospital Association (AHA) has

Linking nurse and patient data could open new lines of research

Nurse researchers in Kansas and Colorado argue capturing data about the work of individual nurses is critical to identifying the contributions nurses make to patient care.

AHA voices support for Social Determinants Accelerator Act

Reps. Cheri Bustos, D-Ill., Tom Cole, R-Okla., Jim McGovern, D-Mass., and Cathy McMorris Rodgers, R-Wash., today introduced AHA-supported legislation that would provide planning grants and technical assistance to help states and communities address the social determinants of health for high-need Medicaid patients.

Rep. Kilmer urges Congress to act on bill to restore HOPD policy

Rep. Derek Kilmer, D- Wash., today urged support for his legislation – the Protecting Local Access to Care for Everyone Act (H.R. 2552) – which would prevent payment reductions for hospital outpatient clinic visit services furnished in off-campus provider-based departments that are grandfathered under Section 603 of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015.

Hospital associations: HCAHPS survey needs updates

The patient experience survey required by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services for all U.S. hospitals needs modernizing, according to a paper released today by the AHA and other national hospital associations, citing falling response rates after 10 years in the field and incomplete topic coverage.