Trustee Articles

Continually improving community health should be part of the DNA of a health care organization and its board.
Boards can provide tremendous value and crucial support to their hospitals and health systems during the COVID-19 crisis.
To meet the challenge of COVID-19, governing boards should identify actions to undertake—and avoid—to best support their health care organizations.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, hospital and health system boards play a critical role to assure plans, policies and resources are in place.
Hospital and health system boards can harness the power of philanthropy during the COVID-19 crisis.
Boards should assess the impact of change on their organization’s executive compensation program and committee practices.
Ongoing board education that includes newer modalities and technologies will increase board engagement and improve governance.
Health care leaders are learning more about burnout and working together to better address it.
The next curve of systemization is leveraging additional opportunities to achieve greater synergy across health care organizations.
Is granting an outgoing trustee ‘emeritus status’ a thing of the past?