Board Policies

Standard Work for Governance Example Source: St. Charles Health System. Used with Permission. Lean principles and practices drive performance improvement by clarifying the steps involved in work processes to avoid wasting time reinventing how work should be done. The board of St. Charles Health…
Board and Committee Composition and Succession Planning...
This Conflicts of Interest and Documentation Policy (“Policy”) applies to all directors and officers of ....
To clarify the difference between the board’s policy making responsibilities and management’s operational responsibilities.
To expedite the conduct of routine business during board meetings in order to allocate more meeting time to education and discussion of substantive issues.
Board policies do various things. Some describe how important processes, such as board self evaluation and CEO evaluation, are carried out. Other policies address standards of conduct such as a conflict of interest policy. Still others clarify delegations of authority such as the levels of…
See the attached sample strategic planning policy.
Governance responsibilities today are so significant that board members must bring more than commitment to the mission and interest in serving. As William Bowen writes, every trustee should bring a “specific competence or experience needed on the board.” This sample provides a board policy…
The following document is intended to be an example that boards should adapt to meet their individual needs.