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57888 Results Found

Principles and Practices for Marketing Communications in Hospitals and Health Systems

Principles and Practices for Marketing Communications in Hospitals and Health Systems is SHSMD's guide to ethical marketing, published in 2010. As such, it does not necessarily reflect the latest technologies and issues and should be considered an archival resource.

Waste Reduction through Engaged and Invested Human Resources

Tariq Kahn, Materials Manager, Peri-operative Services, Montefiore Medical Center, discusses his “ah ha” moment of “I need your help”.

2022 - 2023 Next Generation Leaders Fellowship Roster

Archive 2023, During the Next Gen Fellowship program, fellows work through the planning and execution of a year-long transformation project at their hospital or health system.

Developing and Sustaining a Standardized Capital Replacement Plan Series

On-Demand Educational Webinars
Capital equipment replacement planning is an activity many organizations engage in year after year. In this two-part series, we will outline a process of evaluating current equipment utilizing specific data elements and identifying where that data can be obtained and discuss how to use data and planning results to prioritize and follow established guidelines to replace only the equipment that needs replacing.

2020 SASHE Recipients

2020 Senior (SASHE) Recipients

Banner Health Recognized for Excellence in Facility Management

November 8, 2021: CHICAGO – Banner Health, a non-profit health system based in Phoenix that serves patients in six states, won the 2021 Excellence in Health Care Facility Management Award for centralizing facilities operations with an innovative Remote Operations Center (ROC).

On Demand Learning: Emergency Preparedness | ASHE

ASHE On Demand, learn 24/7. At your pace. On your schedule.

Landing the Job - Recruitment and Resume Building Tips (A More Than Just Supplies Discussion Series Event)

Join AHRMM's YPAC in an engaging session on how to land a new job opportunity.

The Pathway to Executive Leadership in Supply Chain


2020 regional leader award recipients

2020 Regional Leader Award Recipients