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57888 Results Found

ASHE: Beebe Healthcare receives award for excellence in facility management

Beebe Healthcare receives award for excellence in facility management

From Invisibility to Transparency: Cultivating OR Cost Awareness

On-Demand Educational Webinars
The perioperative services administration at Massachusetts General created a rigorous and rapid approach to raising the level of cost awareness among its nursing, surgical technician, and surgical staff. In this webinar, the leadership team shares how they used data capture to assess supply use and how they changed the culture in their hospital to be more cost aware.

Cyber Security: What You Need to Know

Cybersecurity vulnerabilities and intrusions pose risks for every hospital and its reputation. Become aware of what you can do to prevent cyber security in your facility.

Day in the Life of CQO: Examples from the Field

On-Demand Educational Webinars
A panel of health care industry leaders shares their insights and experiences in creating a best-practice supply chain that supports the intersection of cost, quality, and outcomes within their institutions.

Improving Supply Chain Reliability To Mitigate Demand Surges And Supply Shortages: A Three-Part Plan for Increasing Supply Resilience

Balance supply costs with resilience as significant disruption impacts the health system.

2021 Regional Leader Award Recipients

2021 Regional Leader Award Recipients

The Intelligent Supply Chain: Exploring the Potential of Intelligent Automation (More Than Just Supplies Discussion Series)

AHRMM’s Young Professionals Advisory Council (YPAC) hosts quarterly discussions where a panel of supply chain leaders lead a conversation on topics of interest within the health care supply chain. All are invited to join the conversation.

What Hospitals Use as a Basis for Decision Making

Brent Petty discusses what forces are currently affecting healthcare and the platform hospitals use for decision making criteria.

Decoding Supply Chain Analytics for Improved Cost, Quality, and Outcomes

On-Demand Educational Webinars
As hospitals restructure to gain sustainability in an era of reform, it is crucial for supply chain leaders to work collaboratively within health systems and identify new opportunities for cost reduction in areas that generate savings and improve outcomes. This webinar focuses on key lessons and best practices using case studies from leading hospitals and health care systems that have successfully aligned their supply chain and strategic vision.

2021 PDC Summit to provide key information on health facility planning, design, and construction

The 2021 International Summit & Exhibition on Health Facility Planning, Design & Construction (PDC Summit) will help leaders in health facility planning, design and construction prepare to lead post-pandemic recovery and rebuilding efforts.