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57888 Results Found

ASHE Recognizes Teamwork and Innovation in Health Care Design and Construction

CHICAGO – Every year, the Vista Awards aim to highlight professionals who are at the forefront of health care design and construction innovation.

CMRP: What I’ve Gained. What You Can Gain – Part 3

AHRMM members discuss why they chose to earn their Certified Materials Resource Professional (CMRP) Certification and the rewards they have gained personally and professionally.

CMRP: What I’ve Gained. What You Can Gain – Part 2

AHRMM members discuss why they chose to earn their Certified Materials Resource Professional (CMRP) Certification and the rewards they have gained personally and professionally.

2023 Senior (SASHE) Recipients

2023 Senior (SASHE) Recipients

CMS Bundled Payments

On-Demand Educational Webinars
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services issued a proposed ruling which introduces three new episode payment models for Acute Myocardial Infarction, Coronary Artery Bypass Grafts, and Surgical Hip/Femur Fracture Treatment. This webinar provides an overview of the proposed ruling and CJR changes and a discussion of how hospitals should be preparing for the go-live date of July 1, 2017.

2023 Regional Leader Award Recipients

2023 Regional Leader Award Recipients

Written Contracts Key Terms And Definitions

Allen Archer, Director of Supply Chain Management, Houston Hospitals, Inc., describes five key terms and conditions that will assist you in writing a contract.

CMS Releases Final Rules for CY 2011 Hospital Outpatient/ASC Payment System, Physician Fee Schedule and Home Health Payment System

An overview of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services' three final rules for calendar year 2011 the outpatient prospective payment system and ambulatory surgical center rule, the Me

Thought Leader Forum 2019 - Creating the Financially Sustainable Health System

Panelists discuss the need to harness the benefits of systemness, balance the interplay between centralized and local decision making, create a common organizational culture and improve the consumer experience.

Combining Project Management and Change Management Principals to Drive Program Success

Lisa Fohey, director of supply chain, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, leads an overview of the main principals of project management and change management and how they can be combined to lead p