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AHE CHEST Spring 2020 Workshop: Chicago, IL

The CHEST curriculum is based on seven content domains that were identified as part of a robust and comprehensive national job and task analysis of health care environmental services frontline staff.

AHE Certificate of Mastery in Infection Prevention September 2020 Online Only Program

Those who are unable to participate in the practicum in-person training session, can still enhance their knowledge of principles of epidemiology and infection prevention.

AHE Certificate of Mastery in Infection Prevention March 2020 Online Only Program

Those who are unable to participate in the practicum in-person training session, can still enhance their knowledge of principles of epidemiology and infection prevention.

AHE Certificate of Mastery in Infection Prevention July 2020 Online Only Program

Those who are unable to participate in the practicum in-person training session, can still enhance their knowledge of principles of epidemiology and infection prevention through participation in the online-only portion of CMIP.

Physical Environment Survey Readiness: The Care Environment Module | Sept. 2024 | Live Online Training

Physical Environment Survey Readiness: The Care Environment Module | Sept. 2024 | Live Online Training

Physical Environment Survey Readiness: Emergency Management Module | Sept. 2024 | Live Online Training

Physical Environment Survey Readiness: Emergency Management Module | Sept. 2024 | Live Online Training

Crosswalk of AHA Health Equity Roadmap with Selected National Health Equity Quality Measures and Standards for Hospitals and Health Systems

AHA members have expressed interest in understanding the degree of alignment between the AHA’s Health Equity Roadmap and CMS's three new quality measures, as well as the alignment among regulatory policies. The crosswalk identifies how each framework aligns with eight overarching key practices that are linked to advancing health equity in hospitals.

Senators Release 340B Discussion Draft & RFI

On Feb. 2, a bipartisan group of six senators released a draft bill called the Supporting Underserved and Strengthening Transparency, Accountability, and Integrity Now and for the Future (SUSTAIN) 340B Act.

Hospital rehabs 40-year-old OR suites

Overhaul of medical technology and HVAC system modernizes New York hospital's operating rooms

Beyond the Buzz: What Health Care Marketers Need to Know About AI

Join us for a session aimed at understanding the impact of AI in health care marketing and beyond.