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57863 Results Found

READY, SET, AUTOMATE: 5 Ways Health Care Organizations Can Gain Efficiencies, Reduce Costs with Digitized AP Technology

Explore opportunities for improving the procure-to-pay cycle to generate better outcomes for both health care organizations and their supplier partners.

ASHE: EC.02.06.01

Resources to help hospitals address elements of performance in areas for EC.02.06.01.

Medical Device Excise Tax - What You Should Know

Issue Brief
The Medical Device Excise Tax, a component of the Affordable Care Act, is approaching implementation at the beginning of 2013.

The Future of EVS

Magazine & Journal Articles
The future of health care is as clear and certain as the muddy windows you clean after a rainy day. We have certainly heard the doom and gloom, and yet we also hear the promise of improvement. In today’s health care environment, that means change. But, for you, the environmental services (EVS) professional, the future is marked by the necessity of change.

AHE CHESP Review Guide

Place your order now for the newly-updated and revised CHESP Review Guide, 3rd Edition.

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Attract and Educate Parents with Physician Expertise

Presentation Resource

Medical Device Tax Next Steps

The medical device excise tax is a feature of the Affordable Care Act. It is important to be knowledgeable about the tax and its effects.

Energy Procurement Resources

Learn how to optimize your energy procurement strategy with ASHE’s resources, including webinars, guides, and tools. Save money and energy today.