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57863 Results Found

Reduce Financial Risk, Variation by Building Supply Chain Resiliency

In this panel discussion, you will hear from industry experts in financial, clinical, supply chain and risk management on their approaches to this critical issue.

AHE CHESP Extended Review Workshop

Magazine & Journal Articles
CHESP is a premier credential designation demonstrating mastery of maintaining the environment of care.

Speaker Template

2019 SHSMD Connections Speaker Template

Recent Guidance on Meaningful Use of EHRs Makes Compliance More Difficult

Recent Guidance on Meaningful Use of EHRs Makes Compliance More Difficult.

An Era of Antimicrobial Resistance

Magazine & Journal Articles
Each year, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that over 722,000 hospitalized patients contract a healthcare associated infection (HAI), resulting in over 75,000 deaths. In September 2013, the CDC released new evidence of emergent antimicrobial resistance threats and categorized them into categories of urgency.

Reduce your Margins with RPA (Robotic Process Automation)

Robotic Process Automation or RPA is new to the health care field but can be solution to reduce margins at your hospital.

AHE Associate Members Overview

Associate (ASC) membership shall be available to an individual employed by a company or organization other than a health care facility.

Reduction of Surgical Site Infections Using Lean Ochsner Health Case Study

Nattie Leger, Director of Nursing Pursuit of Value, discusses how Ochsner significantly reduced their 2015 surgical site infections rate and a substantial cost avoidance using an interdisciplinary

AHE Ally Membership Overview

Ally membership shall be available to non-environmental services practitioners employed full time in a health care facility and having an interest in the care of the health care environment or interest in supporting the objectives of AHE.

AHE CSCT Spring Workshop: Memphis, TN

The Certified Surgical Cleaning Technician (CSCT) program prepares trainers to conduct certification training for surgical cleaning technicians.