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57816 Results Found


Central California Healthy Stores Initiative Addresses Health Inequity in Underserved Communities

California's Central Valley is known for its abundant fruits and vegetables; however, many families struggle to get access to these healthy foods.

Future Public Health Leaders Program

The growing undergraduate public health movement in the nation is exciting; yet, concerns linger over the persistently inadequate numbers of racial and/or ethnic minority public health practitioners.

Engaging High School Students in Addressing Health Concerns Impacting Their Communities

The Arthur Ashe Institute for Urban Health, a partner of the Brooklyn Health Disparities Center, aims to address health disparities by enhancing the diversity of the U.S.

Using REAL Data to Address Disparities

Founded in 1989, the Metro Community Provider Network is a nonprofit organization in the Denver Metro area that provides medical and health education services to underserved communities.

Collecting and Analyzing REAL Data

Established in 2007, Colorado Total Smiles is a nonprofit located in the Denver Metro area that provides oral health care services to underserved communities.

Mentorship to Improve Leadership Diversity

Baystate Health, based in Springfield, Mass., has two formal mentorship programs available to its workforce.

Engaging High School Students in Health Care Careers

For nearly 20 years, Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital in New Jersey has partnered with the New Brunswick Health Sciences Technology High School, supporting a program that engages local Latino a

Eliminating Health Care Disparities Through Fellowships

The Minority Faculty Development Awards program at University Hospitals Case Medical Center in Cleveland provides mentoring, education and hands-on leadership experience to several high-potential juni

The Importance of Creating Diversity Committees

The University of Mississippi Medical Center created a Healthcare Disparities Council with 40 members, including interpreters, administrators, nurses, physicians and members of the registration staff.

Enhanced Hiring Practices to Promote Diversity

Greenville Health System in South Carolina overhauled its leadership search and selection process to better match the diversity of its workforce and the communities it serves.