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57816 Results Found


Teamwork, Safety and Quality

At North Shore-LIJ Health System, teamwork is everywhere.

Spotlight on Excellence

The Florida Hospital Association highlights its quality improvement initiatives with several reports.

Master Lessons in Quality

Learn from the best of the best.

Quality Care for All Patients

Patients are becoming empowered. As health care consumers, they are reviewing publicly available data, including quality and satisfaction measures.

Focus on Mental and Behavioral Health

October 6 – 12 is Mental Health Awareness Week.

Reducing Chronic Disease Risk Factors

Healthy Communities of Clinton County Coalition

A Multi-sectored Partnership

Fletcher Allen Health Care's Community Benefit CommitteeBurlington, VT

Models for Equitable Care

Focusing on strategies to improve quality and achieve health care equity is a growing national priority.

Collaborating to Prevent Infection

Teamwork between infection control and environmental services professionals at Hunterdon Medical Center in Flemington, NJ, has helped reduce infections at the 178-bed hospital.

Increasing Access, Improving Care

Every October pink appears on everything from ribbons to football helmets and even illuminates the White House to raise awareness about breast cancer.