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57815 Results Found


Enhanced Hiring Practices to Promote Diversity

Greenville Health System in South Carolina overhauled its leadership search and selection process to better match the diversity of its workforce and the communities it serves.

Creation of New Job Titles and Responsibilities to Promote Diversity

Recognizing the need for diversity management, Sparrow Heatlh System in Lansing, Mich., hired a diversity director to help align the oganizations diversity goals with its overall strategic goals.

Summer Enrichment Program for Minority Graduate Students

The Institute for Diversity in Health Management's Summer Enrichment Program matches and places minority health administration graduate students with health care organizations for a 10-week paid

Cultural Competency Training to Improve African Immigrant & Refugee Health

African immigrants and refugees represent four percent of the total population in the United States. In the Washington, D.C.

Clinical Summer Research Fellowship to Increase Knowledge of Health Disparities

Increasing the racial and ethnic diversity of the nation's health professions workforce has many advantages: workforce that more accurate represents US population; minority health professionals a

CHRISTUS Health: Call to Action

In a this video, leaders from CHRISTUS Health provide an overview of the Equity of Care initiative, including the importance of eliminating health care disparities and key action areas for eliminating

A Sense of Urgency for Addressing Health Disparities in Maryland

Although Maryland enjoys the third highest median income in the United States, the state suffers from some glaring health disparities that primarily affect the racial and ethnic minorities who make up

Cultural Competency Training for LGBT Older Adults Patients

Among the agencies that have made a substantial effort toward competency is the Nursing Home Ombudsman Agency of the Bluegrass, in Lexington, Kentucky.

Creating a Welcoming Environment Through Cultural Competency Training

Womansplace Crisis Center is committed to working toward the elimination of violence against women, children and men through direct services, education and social activism.

Diversity Leadership: Key Findings from the NCHL National Diversity Demonstration Project

The National Center for Health Care Leadership's diversity leadership demonstration project is the first to employ pre-post intervention assessment of system-wide diversity and cultural competenc