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57863 Results Found


Hospital-led Community Collaboration Improves Behavioral Health Care

A collaborative network of hospitals and community organizations is improving behavioral health care in Connecticut.

Mercy Hospital Jefferson wraps up expansion and renovation project

The hospital’s new tower was designed to allow for future vertical expansion

Equity of Care Webinar Series: A Cancer Center’s Journey toward Health Equity and Inclusion

Lessons Learned Presented by Moffitt Cancer Center a 2017 AHA Equity of Care Award honoree AHA's Institute for Diversity and Health Equity.

The Value of AHA Membership


Preventing the Spread of Multidrug-Resistant Organisms (MDROs)

This week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a Vital Signs report identifying the threats associated with antibiotic resistance (AR) and recommending “early and aggressive action” to prevent resistant pathogens from spreading in health care facilities.

Four key design strategies

How architecture can support a health care organization's growth

Quality Improvement Opportunities

According to AHRQ, an estimated 125,000 fewer patients died in the hospital and approximately $28 b

Supporting the maintenance mission

Predictive technologies that could help develop a reliability-centered maintenance program