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The All of Us Research Program


AMGA-AHA: Care Redesign and Quality Improvement

Date: Wednesday, May 23, 2018 Time: 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Coordinated Care Alliance Call Briefings

AHA Coor

AHA Statement on Proposed FY 2019 IPPS Rule

CMS today took several steps that would help deliver on its promise to ease regulatory barriers and allow America’s hospitals and health systems to better provide high-quality, efficient patient care. Last year, the AHA released a new analysis showing that providers spend nearly $39 billion a year solely on administrative activities related to regulatory compliance.

Nation State Cyber Threats Targeting Intellectual Property

All organizations must remain vigilant and ensure the proper cybersecurity procedures and controls are in place and practiced. While the stolen information may not retrievable, steps can be taken to mitigate the Mabna threat and other nation-state-sponsored cyber threats to academic medical centers, hospitals and health systems. This will help safeguard medical research and, most importantly, protect patients.

Duane Dauner to Receive AHA Distinguished Service Award

WASHINGTON (April 20, 2017) – The American Hospital Association (AHA) will present its highest honor, the Distinguished Service Award, to C.

Making Progress on Regulatory Relief

The sheer volume of regulations on the books and the scope of change required in meeting them are outstripping the hospital field’s ability to absorb them.

New Report Shows Regulatory Burden Overwhelming Providers, Diverting Clinicians From Patient Care

Press Release New Report Shows Regulatory Burden Overwhelming Providers, Diverting Clinicians From Patient Care FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

Redefining the "H"

The Leadership Toolkit for Redefining the H: Engaging Trustees and Communit

New Research Finds Hospital Mergers Drive High-Value, High-Performing Health Care

Press Release New Research Finds Hospital Mergers Drive High-Value, High-Performing Health Care The American Hospital Association (AHA) tod