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Proposed changes to ASHRAE standard on health care ventilation open for public comment

Proposed addenda to Standard 170-2017, Ventilation of Health Care Facilities seek to change its scope and clarify its purpose

Doctors and Nurses and Medics – Oh My! Using TeamSTEPPSs and Collaborative Gaming to Enhance Teamwork and Communication

At Nemours Children’s Hospital in Orlando, Florida, the Emergency Department (ED) is serious business; the lives of children are on the line and those lives depend on our team.

Fostering Resilience to Cultivate Change: Our Team Training Journey

Are you embarking on a TeamSTEPPS implementation to improve teamwork, communication and safety culture? Afraid of overwhelming an already overly taxed team with yet another initiative?

Walmart Reportedly in Talks to Acquire Humana

Walmart is in preliminary talks to buy health insurer Humana, according to people familiar with the matter.

Azar Names Senior Advisors on Drug Pricing, Opioid Crisis

Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar yesterday named former CVS Health executive Daniel Best as his senior advisor on drug pricing reform, and Assistant Secretary for Health Brett Giroir, M.D., as his senior advisor on mental health and opioid policy.

CDC: Drug Overdose Deaths Up 22% in 2016, Fueled by Synthetic Opioids

Drug overdose deaths rose nearly 22% in 2016 to 63,632, two-thirds of which involved an opioid.

CMS: Medicaid/CHIP Enrollment up 16.4 Million Since October 2013

Nearly 16.4 million people enrolled in Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program between Oct. 1, 2013 and Jan. 31, 2018, increasing total enrollment in the programs by 29% since the start of the first open enrollment period for the Health Insurance Marketplace.

Iowa Enacts Legislation Expanding Access to Mental Health Services

Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds yesterday signed legislation expanding access to mental health services in the state.

Guidance on 340B Claims Submission During Challenge to 2018 OPPS Rule

See resources for hospitals on preserving hospital rights to appeal Medicare payments for 340B claims.

Joint Commission Issues Advisory on Preventing Newborn Falls in Hospital

The Joint Commission yesterday issued a safety advisory for hospitals on preventing newborn falls.