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57816 Results Found

Safety and the Road to COVID-19 Recovery: The Role of the Board

As hospitals and health systems across the country begin and continue the “recovery” process during the COVID-19 outbreak, the AHA is keeping you updated with the latest information and resources. An important area to address is the role of governing boards as hospitals and health systems resume delivering comprehensive health care services.


In a video highlighting Kearny County Hospital’s innovative efforts to attract physicians and improve health equity, Duane Reynolds, president and CEO of AHA’s Institute for Diversity and Health Equity, and John Supplitt, AHA’s senior director of AHA’s Constituency Sections, join with leaders from the hospital and community to discuss the importance of addressing the unique needs of a rural population.


Other Resources
ASHHRA is collaborating with Jim Coleman, Ltd., to provide you with ASHHRA-branded items, such as t-shirts, pens and zip-ups. Visit the ASHHRA Store today and place your order to show your ASHHRA pride!

Harnessing REaL Data to Conquer COVID-19

The American Hospital Association’s Institute for Diversity and Health Equity has developed new REaL data resources and tools to help health care providers address health care disparities in the fight against COVID-19 and beyond.

Nurse Leaders from 37 States Attend AONL Advocacy Day

Nearly 240 nurse leaders from 37 states attended AONL’s virtual advocacy day on May 27, visiting their elected federal representatives and senators.

AHA shares workforce policy priorities with Senate HELP Committee

Last week, the American Hospital Association (AHA) urged the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) to prioritize actions and programs that will support the nation’s health care workforce in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Rapid decision-making during pandemic brings ongoing benefits

The rapid decision-making process, which Atlanta’s Emory Health System began using during the COVID-19 pandemic, is here to stay, according to Sharon Pappas, PhD, RN, the system’s chief nurse executive.

APRNs reduce hospitalization of nursing home residents

Researchers with the Missouri Quality Initiative report staffing nursing homes with full-time advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) backed by an operations support team reduced unnecessary hospitalizations of nursing home residents.

Nurse reflects on racial bias in the care of sickle cell disease patient

When Sherri Becker was a new nurse working the night shift in 1983, a young, Black man with sickle cell disease (SCD) was admitted in crisis.

Hospital-level care at home poised to grow

Hospitals eager to ease overcrowding and insurers eager to lower costs are embracing the hospital-at-home concept, already employed by roughly two dozen health systems.