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57863 Results Found

Consortium aims to promote responsible AI use for health

Sixteen hospitals and health systems have partnered with Microsoft to form the Trustworthy & Responsible AI Network (TRAIN), which aims to operationalize principles to improve the quality, safety and trustworthiness of artificial intelligence in health.

New Healthsperien report finds that 340B drug discounts are a small share of drug company revenues

AHA March 12 released a new report from Healthsperien on discounts to 340B hospitals through the 340B Drug Pricing Program relative to drug company revenues and revenue growth.

As urged by the AHA, 8th Circuit upholds Arkansas law protecting 340B contract pharmacy arrangements

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit March 12 upheld Arkansas’ 340B Drug Pricing Nondiscrimination Act against a constitutional challenge brought by the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, ruling that the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act does not preempt the state law.

AHA voices support for extending Medicare telehealth, hospital at home flexibilities

AHA March 12 shared with the House Ways and Means Committee how telehealth and hospital-at-home (H@H) programs have expanded access to care for patients in their homes and the need for these programs to continue.

Roles & Responsibilities of the VP of Philanthropy

Trustee Articles
The VP of Philanthropy’s overarching responsibility is to promote philanthropic investment by donor partners in the health care organization in order to advance the mission. However, the role encompasses far more. Together with the foundation board and health care CEO, this individual works with internal and external constituencies to build a culture of philanthropy that goes beyond transactional fundraising to build lasting, fruitful relationships rooted in a shared vision.

AHA House Statement on Enhancing Access to Care at Home in Rural and Underserved Communities

AHA statement before the House Committee on Ways and Means regarding “Enhancing Access to Care at Home in Rural and Underserved Communities."

Innovative Solutions for Delivering Mental and Behavioral Health Care Services

Kimberlydawn Wisdom, M.D., M.S., IFDHE Board Chairperson, Senior Vice President, Community Health & Equity and Chief Wellness & Diversity Officer,Henry Ford Health System, Detroit answers questions regarding innovative solutions for delivering mental and behavioral health care services

Get Vaccine Answers

Answers to COVID-19 concerns and questions from the AHA. Vaccine Q&As including mandatory vaccines & vaccine mandates. Why you should be vaccinated?

H-ISAC TLP Green Daily Physical Security Report - March 12, 2024

H-ISAC TLP Green Daily Physical Security Report - March 12, 2024.

Energy to Care Awards

The Energy to Care awards celebrate facilities accomplishing sustainability goals that will pave the way for health care organizations to support healthy, equitable and resilient environments and communities.