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AHA podcast: How Dartmouth Health is Solving Workforce Shortages

Carolyn Isabelle, director of workforce development at Dartmouth Health, discusses the health system's numerous approaches to recruitment and strategies that support a healthy and engaged workforce.

Voice article explores creating a culture of inquiry

An article in the March issue of AONL’s Voice of Nursing Leadership explores how nurse leaders can create a culture of inquiry.

Trainer Certification for Surgical Technicians

AHE’s CSCT certification program sets a standard for surgical environmental services technicians responsible for cleaning and disinfecting operating rooms — an intense, fast-paced, high-stakes environment. The program is designed to set a level of expertise for managing pathogens and practicing innovative techniques specific to the operating room.

NFPA opens public commenting for 2026 editions

Plus: ASHRAE updates building performance standard; FCC releases rules on rural telehealth; HHS releases voluntary cybersecurity goals

2024 Conference Keynotes

Keynotes at AONL 2024: Innovator Josh Linkner, Analyst Amy Walter, Zipline's Keller Rinaudo Cliffton, Leadership Guru Dr. Rose Sherman.

Appropriations Committees Release Spending Bills and Health Extenders Package

The House and Senate Appropriations Committees March 3 released text of six appropriations bills that would fund various agencies of the federal government through the end of the current fiscal year (FY).

Extreme weather events cause more waves of patient evacuations

Hospitals around the country double down on strengthening their emergency response plans

HC3 TLP Clear- Sector Alert: Defense and Mitigations from E-mail Bombing – March 12, 2024

E-mail bombing, also known as mail bomb or letter bomb attacks, occur when a botnet (a single actor or group of actors) flood an e-mail address or server with hundreds to thousands of e-mail messages. T

AHA 340B Advocacy Alliance Bulletin - March 12, 2024

340B updates.

Rural Health News Update February 22, 2024

A compilation of recent news from the AHA and its Rural Health Services team, whose focus is to ensure that rural hospitals’ and health systems’ unique needs are national priorities.