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58056 Results Found

Rural health system prioritizes workforce diversity to meet community needs

With 57 million Americans living in rural areas and dependent on the nearest hospital for most of their care needs, it is more important than ever to preserve the viability of access to care in rural America.

Fact Sheet: How Commercial Insurers Turned Ending Surprise Medical Bills into an Industry Windfall

The one issue that all stakeholders – hospitals, physicians, insurers and consumers – agree on is that patients should not be balance billed for emergency services, or for services obtained in any in-network facility when the patient could reasonably have assumed that the providers caring for them were in-network with their health plan.

Special Bulletin: House Committees Release Legislation to Address Surprise Medical Bills

House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal, D-Mass., and Ranking Member Kevin Brady, R-Texas, this morning released legislative text of the Consumer Protections Against Surprise Medical Bills Act of 2020, the committee’s proposal to address surprise medical bills.

Experience Design

Definition: Visualize human reactions and responses to an interaction between a person and product or service; apply this learning to develop a solution.