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58056 Results Found

Report: Cancer death rates continue to decline

Overall cancer death rates continue to decline for U.S. men, women and children, according to the latest Annual Report to the Nation on the Status of Cancer.

AHRQ issues patient safety resource

A new report from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality consolidates the latest evidence on 47 patient safety practices to help hospitals, primary care practices, long-term care facilities and other providers target and focus their patient safety efforts.

USP panel remands revised compounding standards for further review

The United States Pharmacopeia Appeals Panel remanded the revised USP General Chapter standards for nonsterile compounding and for sterile compounding to an expert committee “for further engagement on the issues raised concerning the beyond-use date provisions.”

Can Money Buy Engagement? A New Perspective on the Relationship Between Compensation and Engagement in Today's Workplace

On-Demand Educational Webinars
[ON-DEMAND CONFERENCE SESSION] While compensation does not directly drive engagement, it does enable key drivers of engagement to be optimized thus indirectly triggering engagement. This shifts typical views of compensation from unimportant to important in building engagement. Saint Luke’s Health System advanced modeling finds that compensation powerfully interacts with engagement drivers. 
Member Non-Fed

Action Alert: Urge Your Lawmakers to Support Ways and Means Committee’s Surprise Medical Billing Legislation

Two House committees – Ways and Means, and Education and Labor – this week advanced separate legislation to address surprise medical bills. These pieces of legislation also are different from a December agreement between leaders from the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee and House Energy and Commerce Committee on legislation to address surprise medical bills.

Action Alert: Urge Your Representative to Cosponsor Surprise Medical Billing Legislation

Urge Your Representative to Cosponsor Surprise Medical Billing Legislation Approved by the House Ways and Means Committee

AHA Podcasts Delve into Burnout’s Prevention

AHA’s Advancing Health podcast is unveiling a three-part series looking at what leaders need to address burnout, promote resiliency and promote systemic changes that maintain improvements. In these podcasts, you’ll hear from leaders from the Institute for Healthcare Excellence, the Duke Center for Healthcare Safety and Quality, Vocera Communications and Mission Health.

Management Checklist for Teleworking Surge During the Covid-19 Response

This checklist is designed as a quick reference for healthcare enterprise management to consider important factors in a teleworking strategy that minimizes downtime and latency while supporting patient care, operational and I.T. security, and supply chain resilience.

CDC updates guidance for COVID-19 testing, health care personnel

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention updated its guidance for evaluating and testing patients for novel coronavirus (COVID-19), and for assessing and managing health care personnel with potential exposure to patients with the virus.