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Website Defacement Activity Indicators of Compromise and Techniques Used to Disseminate Pro-Iranian Messages

Following last week’s US airstrikes against Iranian military leadership, the FBI observed increased reporting of website defacement activity disseminating Pro-Iranian messages. The FBI believes several of the website defacements were the result of cyber actors exploiting known vulnerabilities in content management systems (CMSs) to upload defacement files. The FBI advises organizations and people concerned with Iranian cyber targeting be familiar with the indicators, tactics, and techniques provided in this FLASH, as well as tactics and techniques provided in recently disseminated Private Industry Notification “Notice on Iranian Cyber Tactics and Techniques” (20200109-001, 9 January 2020).

Foster G. McGaw Prize: Application

Foster G.

Coronavirus Update: Trump Declares National Emergency and Other News

As urged by the AHA and other health groups, President Trump today declared a national emergency in response to the COVI-19 outbreak.

AHA statement on declaration of COVID-19 national emergency

AHA President and CEO Rick Pollack provides a statement on the COVID-19 national emergency declaration.

Perspective: You’re on the Front Lines of Coronavirus and We Have Your Back

AHA President and CEO Rick Pollack provides perspective on the state of hospital preparedness in response to the COVID-19 outbreak.

AHA webinar Tuesday on health care burnout prevention model

AHA's Physician Alliance will host a March 17 webinar on the National Taskforce for Humanity in Healthcare model for preventing burnout and promoting resilience, well-being and joy in the health care workforce.

CDC: Half of adults delay recommended colorectal cancer screening

Only half of adults in their early 50s received a recommended screening test for colorectal cancer in 2018, according to a new Vital Signs report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

MedPAC issues March report to Congress

The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission released its March report to Congress. The report details the fee-for-service payment recommendations for 2021 approved by the commission in January, including recommendations for hospital services and post-acute care.