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58056 Results Found

Dangerous Infusion Errors Top ECRI Institute's Annual Health Technology Hazards List

Supply Chain Strategies & Solutions Article
The safe use of health technology—from infusion pumps to complex imaging systems—requires that healthcare facilities recognize the possibility of danger or difficulty with those technologies and th

UDI in Healthcare

Supply Chain Strategies & Solutions Article
From a supply chain perspective, the use of UDIs will help with the visibility of supplies throughout the continuum of care. By Dennis Mullins, MBA, CMRP

Breaking Barriers: Creating An Outcomes-Based Contracting Strategy

Supply Chain Strategies & Solutions Article
Outcomes-based contracting is no easy feat but when conducted properly, it creates a synergistic model that can significantly improve outcomes.

Bridging The Gap Between Curent and Next Generation Health Care Supply Chain Leaders

Supply Chain Strategies & Solutions Article
With all of the significant changes happening in the health care field, this is an exciting time in supply chain, but certainly a challenging time.

Are You Ready to Imagine Your Future

Supply Chain Strategies & Solutions Article
Though life-saving breakthroughs are occurring daily, the way health care is delivered continues to be more like a race between the hare and the tortoise. 

Looking Back on Technology in 2016 and What’s on the Horizon for 2017

Supply Chain Strategies & Solutions Article
This article is from the November/December 2016 issue of the AHRMM member-only magazine, Supply Chain Strategies & Solutions. As 2016 comes to an end, we can look back and se

Closing the Contract Compliance Gap

Supply Chain Strategies & Solutions Article
An article from the November/December 2016 issue of the AHRMM member-only magazine, Supply Chain Strategies & Solutions.

How the FDA's UDI Regulation Benefits the Healthcare Supply Chain, Patient Care and the Bottom Line

Supply Chain Strategies & Solutions Article
Medical device manufacturers have been working hard to comply with the new Unique Device Identification (UDI) regulations from the FDA that are aimed at bolstering the safety of medical devices.

Chargemaster And Item Master: The Right Team For the Value Cycle

Supply Chain Strategies & Solutions Article
Healthcare reform is driving unprecedented changes in the management, funding and delivery of care as hospitals develop and implement strategies to achieve higher quality care at lower cost.

Exploring Different Approaches for Engaging Physician Leaders to Deliver Cost-Effective and High-Quality Care

Supply Chain Strategies & Solutions Article
The evolution of our healthcare system from a volume-based to a value-based model is driving provider organizations to adopt patient-centric, outcomes-based success metrics for operational processe