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H-ISAC Report: Hacking Healthcare - TLP White, October 29, 2019

In this edition of Hacking Healthcare, we breakdown the United Kingdom’s National Cyber

H-ISAC Report: Hacking Healthcare - TLP White, November 5, 2019

Weekly issue of H-ISAC Report: Hacking Healthcare - TLP White, November 5, 2019.

H-ISAC Report: Hacking Healthcare - TLP White, November 12, 2019

In this edition of Hacking Healthcare, we explore insider threats and the various ways they can negatively impact organizations. First, we analyze how the convergence of geopolitics and

H-ISAC Report: Hacking Healthcare - TLP White, December 10, 2019

In this edition of Hacking Healthcare, we spotlight the Food and Drug Administration’s request for nominations to their Medical Devices Advisory Committee. Next, we brief you on Sen.

H-ISAC Report: Hacking Healthcare - TLP White, December 17, 2019

In this edition of Hacking Healthcare, we begin with a warning about the use of emotiondetecting technologies and a call for their regulation. Next, we detail how the U.S. National

H-ISAC Report: Hacking Healthcare - TLP White, January 29, 2020

In this edition of Hacking Healthcare, we begin with an Idaho National Lab researcher that is shedding light on just how little we know about the threat of ICS (Industrial Control Systems) vulnerabilities.

H-ISAC Report: Hacking Healthcare - TLP White, February 4, 2020

In this edition of Hacking Healthcare, we begin by examining a milestone in the integration of Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (AI/ML) into drug treatment development. Next, we

H-ISAC Report: Hacking Healthcare - TLP White, February 11, 2020

In this edition of Hacking Healthcare, you will find an analysis of the coronavirus that tries to cut through the media sensationalism to explore a more nuanced perspective of its impacts along with an examination of why the anonymization of data is often more marketing myth than security fact.

H-ISAC Report: Hacking Healthcare - TLP White, February 19, 2020

This edition of Hacking Healthcare includes a notice from the FDA looking for nominations for the Patient Engagement Advisory Committee, along with an examine the results of a KPMG report on how artificial intelligence (“AI”) is viewed by various industries among other resources.

CDC head says COVID-19 public test-tracking system imminent

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Robert Redfield said the agency is in the process of setting up a public tracker for novel coronavirus (COVID-19) tests, and it could be available this week.