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58056 Results Found

USP issues compounding guidance

U.S. Pharmacopeia issued guidance on strategies for conserving sterile compounding personal protective equipment and for compounding alcohol-based hand sanitizers to address consumer shortages during the COVID-19 pandemic.

CMS issues new FAQs on Medicaid/CHIP, catastrophic health plan coverage

CMS updated its FAQ for state Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program agencies, answering questions related to flexibilities related to managed care, benefits, financing, Section 1115 demonstrations, and Section 1135 waivers offered as part of the president’s declaration of a national emergency. 

Moody’s: Hospital financial outlook negative as coronavirus constrains cash flow

Moody’s Investors Service revised its outlook for the U.S. nonprofit hospital and health care sector from stable to negative, saying revenue will likely decline as hospitals cancel elective surgeries and other services to prepare for a surge of coronavirus cases.

AONL CEO attends White House meeting on COVID-19

Robyn Begley, CEO of AHA’s American Organization for Nursing Leadership, attended a White House meeting with President Trump, Vice President Pence, members of the Coronavirus Task Force and leadership from national nursing organizations to discuss nursing’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.    

AHA launches new digital community for member CEOs

AHA launched a digital community for member hospital and health system CEOs, where they can receive daily updates on the novel coronavirus and share questions and experiences with their colleagues and the AHA team.

AHA, others recommend action to strengthen provider capacity, resources

The AHA and 17 other organizations representing health care providers, insurers, suppliers and others urged Congress to take certain immediate actions to strengthen health care capacity and ensure a stable supply of critical resources to address the novel coronavirus. 

Congress urged to allocate $100 billion to providers in next COVID-19 spending package

The AHA, American Medical Association and American Nurses Association urged congressional leaders to provide $100 billion to front line health care personnel and providers and “direct the federal agencies to begin to infuse funds immediately so that they can afford to take the necessary steps to fight” the novel coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19).

Action Alert on Hospital Funding as Part of Coronavirus Package

Contact Your Senators, Representative and Urge Them to Provide $100 Billion in Funding to Hospitals and Health Systems as Part of Coronavirus Spending Package Please reach out to you

Four ways to mitigate COVID-19 cyber risks

As COVID-19 progresses, cyber criminals seek to exploit health care infrastructure.

Medicare expands access to telehealth, e-visits

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a fact sheet this week on pa