Board Evaluation

Board EvaluationAvoiding Groupthink in the BoardroomStriving for excellence in board self-assessmentBy Barbara Lorsbach"The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence; it is to act with yesterday’s logic,” management scholar Peter Drucker wrote in 1980.
Board Assessment Assessing the Engagement and Effectiveness of Boards How to foster healthy dialogue and reflection By Barbara H. Lorsbach Engagement is an indispensable factor that gives a high-performing hospital or health system board its strength and vitality.
Using an effective, well-developed board self-assessment process can enhance governance performance.
Board self‐evaluation is an important process. Surveys by The Governance Institute have shown that making self‐assessment a board priority is associated with high performing boards. Yet, amidst seemingly more important board business, it’s easy for self‐assessment to become a rote exercise.
These documents are based on CHP’s core values, the CHP board’s roles and responsibilities, and the expectations established for CHP’s board members. They may or may not fit other boards’ situations. Each board should adopt its own individual competencies and evaluation instrument. Reviewing others…
While most organizations conduct annual board self-assessments, it seems that few boards actually use the results of those assessments to develop specific plans for improvement. According to PriceWaterhouseCooper’s 2017 Annual Corporate Directors Survey, board members’ dissatisfaction with their…
As the drumbeat of attention to governance effectiveness intensifies, the evaluation of individual directors is off-limits no more. Indeed, the New York Stock Exchange, Business Roundtable and National Association of Corporate Directors all recommend that corporate boards institute individual…
Complex and diverse health care orgs require boards with a range of knowledge, skills and behaviors that can address their needs and challenges.
Regular board self-evaluation is integral to effective governance. Use the questions in the attachment to assess whether your board is getting maximum mileage from its self-evaluation process.