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Integrating Physical and Behavioral Health

This is a list of resources that will help you to integrate physical and behavioral health care. It includes AHA publications, executive dialogue series, webinars, conference calls, members in action publications, and other resources.

H-ISAC TLP Green Biweekly Geopolitical Watchlist Update

H-ISAC TLP Green Biweekly Geopolitical Watchlist Update

Strengths, weaknesses of ICU hand-off pause discussed

Clinicians in a study described the strengths and barriers of the Intensive Care Unit-PAUSE handoff tool intended to reduce diagnostic errors for patients moving from the ICU to a hospital floor.

Strong leadership associated with lower burnout rates

Nearly half of infection preventionists surveyed reported feeling burnt out, but those with strong leadership support reported lower burnout rates, according to a study.

Article calls for nurses to become versed in AI

An article published in the October issue of the American Journal of Nursing encourages nurses to be involved in developing and implementing artificial intelligence tools.

AHRMM Webinar: AHA Legislative Update

Join us as the AHA Federal Relations team shares the latest congressional activity as it relates to federal legislation and regulations that continue to shape key aspects of the health care field,

H-ISAC TLP Green Daily Physical Security Report - September 28, 2023

H-ISAC TLP Green Daily Physical Security Report for September 28, 2023.

H-ISAC TLP Green Ransomware Data Leak Sites Report - September 28, 2023

A daily ransomware tracker at TLP:GREEN for the purpose of increasing ransomware threat awareness.

H-ISAC TLP Green Daily Cyber Headlines - September 28, 2023

H-ISAC TLP Green Daily Cyber Headlines for September 28, 2023.

NCC urges VA to remove CRNA practice barriers

AONL and 46 other members of the Nursing Community Coalition sent a statement to the House Veterans’ Affairs Subcommittee on Health in response to the subcommittee’s hearing, “VA’s Federal Supremacy Initiative: Putting Veterans First?”