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57884 Results Found

AONL podcast explores professional governance

In an AONL podcast, two clinical nurses who have served as presidents of their professional governance organization reflect on their experiences.

Advocacy Liaisons for Health Care Physical Environment and Facilities Professionals

The American Society of Health Care Engineering (ASHE)’s Advocacy Highway is a two-way street for collaboration between the national and local chapters of health care physical environment professionals.

The Health Care Facilities Tailored Benchmarking (HFTB) Program

This tailored program will consider key differentiating factors (e.g., facility type, size, current financial reporting structure) so that benchmarking works for all health care facility types.

Managing Life Safety Program | PDC Summit 2024

To improve your facility's life safety program, you need the knowledge and resources for a seamless implementation.

AHA Statement Before the Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health Re: Medicare Legislative Proposals

AHA shares the hospital field’s comments on legislative proposals for consideration before the Energy and Commerce Committee Health Subcommittee on Oct. 19.

UVA Health program builds nurse workforce

An American Hospital Association podcast explores UVA’s Heath “Earn While You Learn” program.

H-ISAC TLP Green Intelligence Report Phishing Guidance - Stopping the Attack Cycle Phase One

Social engineering is the attempt to trick someone into revealing information (e.g., a password) or taking an action that can be used to compromise systems or networks.

H-ISAC TLP Green Daily Cyber Headlines - October 19, 2023

H-ISAC TLP Green Daily Cyber Headlines for October 19, 2023.

340B Hospital Community Benefit Analysis

In 2020, the most recent year for which this information is available, tax-exempt hospitals participating in the 340B drug savings program provided $84.4B in total benefits to their communities. Total community benefits for 340B hospitals increased from $67.9 billion in 2019 to $84.4 billion in 2020, an over $16 billion or 25% increase, even in the midst of an unprecedented pandemic.

CMS resumes validation survey oversight

Plus: The Joint Commission aligns with other standards; CMS advises on ligature risk; OCCHE releases guide for IRA funds