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What Ferris Bueller teaches us about career management

Taking a little time to first assess career goals will help in finding the fastest route to success

ASHE President’s Award recipient touts teamwork

ASHE Past President Dean Pufahl reflects on his career and considers the power of collaboration

Hospital adds extra layer of security

Threat detection system helps hospital staff intercept suspicious implements and offers peace of mind

Episode 5: Playing Cyber Defense in the Age of Digital Innovation

In this episode, host John Riggi, National Advisor for Cybersecurity and Risk at the AHA is joined by Troy Ament, Chief Information Security Officer at Fortinet, who discusses the conversations health care needs to be having to balance digital innovation with cybercrime defenses. Their conversation highlights security challenges amidst a surge in cyber threats and explores the future potential of technologies like 5G, AI, and the Metaverse to address complex healthcare issues. With these advancements also come threats from cybercriminals.

Joint Commission issues alert on surgical fire prevention

The Joint Commission this week released a Sentinel Event Alert to make surgical teams aware of risk factors for surgical fires and to identify strategies and actions to prevent them.

CDC: RSV is more severe than COVID, flu in older adults

Although respiratory syncytial virus hospitalizations were less common last year than COVID-19 and flu in older adults, RSV disease was more severe, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

John Riggi

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Report stresses importance of early flu vaccination for children

A report released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention highlights the importance of children and teenagers receiving a seasonal flu shot by the end of October and prompt flu antiviral treatment for those who are hospitalized.

Over-the-counter Narcan unlikely to significantly reduce opioid deaths

Although over-the-counter Narcan became available at pharmacies in September, community health workers and addiction experts do not believe it will significantly stem the opioid epidemic.