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57870 Results Found

9 Keys to Avoid the Great Resignation

Please join us for an engaging and highly practical session with global Future of Work speaker, Kim Seeling Smith where she will share her proprietary model, based on over 5,000 exit interviews to help us understand what our employees really need to be motivated to stay and to do great work.

On Demand Learning: Sustainability

On demand resources for health care facility sustainability.

On Demand Learning: Planning, Design, and Construction

On demand resources for health care facility planning, design, and construction.

Knowing When to Outsource: Making Purchased Services Work for You

On-Demand Educational Webinars
Outsourcing of hospital functions is a common and growing practice in the U.S. and comprises on average 25% of total non-labor spend in hospitals. Many hospitals are finding that the outsourcing of some functions is a double-edged sword. This webinar will help you determine how to make decisions about which services to keep in house and which to outsource in the post-reform era of higher quality and cost savings.

On-Demand Learning: Infection Prevention

On demand resources for health care infection prevention.

CMS has issued a blanket waiver for ITM

Updated on January 14, 2021 | New Platform for Submissions of 1135 Waiver Requests and Inquiries 

IV Strategies for Disruptions - How to Guide

How-to guide to managing IV disruptions. Download Tool

On Demand Learning: Facility Management

On demand resources for health care facility management.

Final Regulations on Taxable Medical Devices

The final regulations that provide guidance on the excise tax imposed on the sale of certain medical devices, enacted by the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 in conjunction wi

On Demand Learning: Engineered Systems

On demand resources for health care facilities engineered systems.