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57870 Results Found


The Future of Rural Hospitals and Health Systems

An estimated 61 million rural Americans depend on their hospital as an important source of care and critical pillar of their community.

AHA, others urge Congress to reauthorize health care preparedness law

More than 100 organizations, including the AHA, urged congressional leaders Nov. 14 to reauthorize for an additional five years the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act, which expired Sept. 30. The continuing resolution that passed the House yesterday would extend PAHPA until Jan. 19.

CMRP Scholarships

AHRMM offers scholarships for receiving and renewing the nationally recognized Certified Materials & Resource Professional (CMRP) credential.

House subcommittee advances Medicare legislation

During a legislative markup Nov. 15, the House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee advanced to the full committee AHA-supported legislation (H.R. 6366) that would extend for one year the Geographic Practice Cost Index floor for physician work under the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule and delay for one year payment reductions of up to 15% under the Medicare Clinical Laboratory Fee Schedule.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) | ASHE

The CDC is one of the major operating components of the Department of Health and Human Services. CDC’s mission is to protect America from health, safety, and security threats, both foreign and in the United States.

AHE 2020 Board Announcement

Press Releases
The Association for the Health Care Environment (AHE) has announced Brad Winnie, CHESP as AHE board president and Rock Jensen, CHESP, as president-elect

Room Pressurization

Certain rooms within a health care building should be positively or negatively pressurized with respect to surrounding areas.

Academic Medical Centers | ASHE

Academic medical centers represent a unique blend of hospital operations, scientific research, academia, and patient care. Accredited medical schools range from large public universities to small affiliated private colleges, from newly accredited colleges to universities founded before the American Revolution.

Art or Science? Effective Physician Recruitment and Retention Requires Both

Presentation Resource
Hear how Canton-Potsdam Hospital combines the discipline of science with the art of relationships to build a medical staff rivaling prestigious academic medical centers. Learn how new techniques and proven best practices can be adapted and applied to your organization.

AHA Announces Optimized Conference Experience: ASHE and AHE to Collaborate During 2020 Conferences

Two leading health care associations are bringing their annual conferences to Chicago in 2020 to provide attendees an enhanced experience and greater opportunities for cross-team collaboration.