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57870 Results Found

Patient Safety Resources

Certificate Programs
ASHRM has identified the following resources on patient safety to assist you in identifying useful information and helpful contacts.

Patient and Care Provider Tool

Provide the tool to new patients or as they are preparing for a follow up or next scheduled outpatient visit.

Active Risk Control Toolkit: Better Solutions After Risk Assessment

With the adoption of risk assessment tools like root cause analysis (RCA) and failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA), health care organizations have become much more effective at diagnosing the systems failures that lead to adverse outcomes.

ERM Quick Reference Tool

A two-page document that quickly outlines the framework for ERM, including guiding principles and domains.

Enterprise Risk Management: Readiness Assessment Tool

Assess the readiness of your organization to implement ERM practices or the maturity of ERM initiatives already initiated.

Enterprise Risk Management for Boards and Trustees: Leveraging the Value

This reference explains the Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) approach, the framework, the benefits and value of ERM.

Webinar: Risk Benchmarking – The SURI Framework

An overview of the Strategic Universal Risk Index (SURI) and how it can be used to drive implementation of Enterprise Risk Management.

White Paper: Implementing Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)

This white paper graphically displays the Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) framework and describes key structural components necessary in any health care setting.

ASHRM Playbook Series

Our playbook series presents a wide array of solutions, concepts, and strategies both for the novice and advanced risk professionals who are increasing their current scope of responsibilities.

Letter to the Editor Responds to Misleading New York Times Op-Ed

Hospitals of all types provide unparalleled benefits to their communities. Yet, the author of a recent op-ed (Why Are Nonprofit Hospitals Focused More on Dollars Than Patients?) ignores these benefits in an unconvincing effort to claim hospitals are not living up to their mission.