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57870 Results Found

Enterprise Risk Management Playbook, Second Edition

Learn concepts, strategies, and tools for developing a new Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) program or advancing an existing program.

Leading Health Care Risk Management

Workbook lends structure and support for risk managers entering a new role, with guidance on the questions to ask and relationships to build.

Webinar: Another Training that Didn’t Stick! Why We Fail at Interpersonal Communication Training

Discover what to consider when striving to improve communication processes among staff as well as between patients/families and the health care team.

Webinar: Celebrating Risk Management Leadership with ASHRM’s 2020 Risk Manager of the Year (RMOY)

ASHRM's 2021 President Meg Garrett shares her experience as a leader in risk management.

Webinar: When Physician Behavior Becomes a Problem

This webinar discusses how a physician's behavior can create patient safety concerns and how the risk manager can influence culture of safety and employee morale.

White Paper: Growing as a Risk Professional: The Importance of Local Chapters

This paper delves into the benefits of belonging to and being active in a local chapter.

Webinar: How Can You Enhance Your Skills as a Risk Professional?

Learn how to get involved in speaking opportunities, writing opportunities, and the chance to earn respected designations via ASHRM.

Webinar: How to Be Risk Professional of the Year

The 2022 Health Care Risk Management Professional of the Year talks about professional growth, mentorship and how to become an award-winning risk professional.

Leadership Playbook for Health Care Risk Professionals

Foster effective leadership and explore innovative ways to achieve your objectives with the Leadership Playbook, offering a strategic perspective centered around critical domains of enterprise risk management, including strategy, finance, and governance.

Aon/ASHRM Hospital and Physician Professional Liability Benchmark Report

A data-based benchmark report for better estimating and understanding the self-insured medical malpractice costs based on data collected from participating health care systems.