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Emergency Readiness: Organizational Training Resources

Emergency Readiness: Organizational Training Resources

Ebola outbreak in Congo announced on February 7 ends

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention joined the global public health community in marking the end of the Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s North Kivu Province, 42 days after the last survivor tested negative for the virus.

Current High-Performance Governance Practices

Board Checklists
For boards to participate in shaping their new organization, they must be currently performing at an extremely high level. The following is a list of four practices that hospital and health system boards must be engaged in today, in order to be successful in the future.

Deferred Maintenance vs. ESG Investment – Where do we Start? | Lunch & Learn

Join this session to learn about asset-driven budgeting and forecasting.

Active Shooter Incidents in Health Care Settings

Due to recent tragic events, Hospitals Against Violence has gathered for health care facilities a list of resources and tools that provide guidance on how to prepare and respond to an active shooter incident.

Government Cybersecurity Resources

AHA provides hospitals and health systems with direct links to valid cybersecurity resources within the US government relate to cyber attacks.

AHA Statement on Supreme Court Decision in EMTALA Case

While we are pleased that the Supreme Court’s decision to dismiss these cases as improvidently granted will restore the temporary stay on Idaho’s law, we are disappointed that physicians, nurses, and other clinicians across the country still do not have needed clarity. Caregivers must be able to exercise their professional judgment about a patient’s care as federal law requires under the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) without the fear of criminal prosecution. We continue to urge courts to protect clinicians as they seek to provide emergency care to their patients.

SHSMD State & Local Chapters

Learn about the SHSMD State and Local Chapters, and how you can involved not just at the national level but closer to home.


Information on the designations awarded to ASHRM members for outstanding achievement and contributions to the profession

Current High-Performance Governance Practices Tool

Board Checklists
For boards to participate in shaping their new organization, they must be currently performing at an extremely high level. The following is a list of four practices that hospital and health system boards must be engaged in today, in order to be successful in the future.