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52275 Results Found

Agencies issue joint report on memory safety vulnerabilities in open source projects

A joint report released June 26 by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, FBI, the Australian Cyber Security Centre and Canadian Centre for Cybersecurity provides roadmaps for addressing memory safety vulnerabilities in open source software.

HRSA awards $40 million in grants to support maternal/child health program

The Health Resources and Services Administration awarded states and territories $40 million in emergency funding from the American Rescue Plan Act for the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program, which provides voluntary home visits to improve maternal and child health for families in high-risk communities.

HHS renews COVID-19 public health emergency for 90 days through October 2022

The Department of Health and Human Services today renewed the COVID-19 public health emergency declaration for another 90 days.

HHS renews COVID-19 public health emergency for 90 days through April 2023

The Department of Health and Human Services renewed the COVID-19 public health emergency declaration for another 90 days.

HHS renews COVID-19 public health emergency for 90 days through January 2023

AHA had urged the agency to renew the emergency to continue critical flexibilities.

HHS announces reduced beneficiary coinsurance for 64 Medicare Part B prescription drugs

The Department of Health and Human Services June 26 announced beneficiary coinsurance reductions for 64 prescription drugs available through Medicare Part B.

HCC Information Session Apr 22

At this HCC info session, the AHA population health team will share a preview of the program’s learning objectives, logistics and application process.

HCC Information Session Apr 15

The AHA Center for Health Innovation is looking for AHA member hospitals and health systems to join its new Hospital Community Collaborative (HCC) cohort.

AHA, others file amicus brief in Maryland to prevent injunction against 340B pricing for contract pharmacy arrangements 

The AHA, 340B Health, the Maryland Hospital Association and the Mid-Atlantic Association of Community Health Centers June 26 filed an amicus brief in a federal district court in Maryland, defending the state's law protecting 340B pricing for contract pharmacy arrangements.

Environmental Services Technicians Play a Vital Role | DEV

Access talking points and information about the EVS health care profession and the vital role EVS technicians play.