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57870 Results Found

Great Boards spring newsletter available

The spring issue of AHA’s Great Boards newsletter features articles on mis

Crouse Hospital puts RTs at the center of COPD care

Crouse Hospital in Syracuse, N.Y., is changing the way it cares for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients by giving respiratory therapists (RT) a much bigger role in their care.

Become a donor and promote the gift of hope in April and throughout the year

April is National Donate Life Month, when the AHA encourages everyone to consider becoming organ, eye and tissue donors.

Owensboro Health's annual grants help community initiatives to grow and thrive

In the fall of 2011, Jason Crandall, an assistant professor at Owensboro’s Kentucky Wesleyan College, told students in his exercise trainers’ class to start a program for seniors at a l

HCWH urges hospitals to avoid antimicrobial furnishings for now

Report cites dearth of evidence to support the use antimicrobials included in furnishing products.

FDA allows use of investigational test to screen blood donations for Zika

The Food and Drug Administration today announced an investigational test to screen blood d

NIH: Number of senior citizens to nearly double by 2050

America’s 65-and-over population is projected to nearly double by 2050 to 88 million, according to a

AONE to honor nursing leaders at annual meeting this week

At its annual meeting this week in Fort Worth, TX, the American Organization of Nurse Executives will present its inaugural

Reminder: Applications due April 8 for AHA/AMGA fellowship to foster integrated care

The AHA and AMGA are offering a new fellowship to help member hospitals and health systems with employed physicians move to a more

3 technologies that can help improve facility operations

Has your health care organization made a significant technology investment to improve facility operations in the last year?