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57870 Results Found

Hospitals urged to submit data to AHA RACTrac survey by April 22

The AHA encourages all hospitals to submit data to the quarterly RACTrac survey by April 22.

How an ES department can add to its hospital's bottom line

Has your health care organization adopted recycling as a revenue stream?

A welcome distraction

Unique art and design cater to kids at this stand-alone outpatient specialty care center

Get involved, get rewarded: The benefits of volunteering

ASHE volunteers list the numerous benefits that serving the organization can bring

Perfecting patient flow and experience

Identifying ideal processes and flows should serve as the foundation of a health care facility's design

Streamlining steps in outpatient facilities

Even small improvements can add up to big time savings over time

Improving HCAHPS scores by offering hospitable service

Environmental services can play a critical role in the patient experience

Hand hygiene goes high-tech

Monitoring systems improve hand-hygiene compliance and reduce infection rates

Northwestern Memorial Hospital wins ACHA Legacy Project Award

The replacement facility is recognized for its forward-thinking design and enduring excellence

Honoring ES professionals

Awards recognize those crucial to the health care mission